Shark Shield Freedom+ Surf

  • 2016

  • Product
    Sport and Lifestyle

Commissioned By:

Shark Shield

Designed In:


The Shark Shield FREEDOM+ Surf is a new easy to install surfboard shark deterrent based on the company’s twenty years’ experience in designing scientifically proven and independently tested electrical shark deterrents.

The electronics module weighs 230g plus a decal antenna with near zero drag means board performance is uncompromised.

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  • Designed to be fitted at home by the user, the FREEDOM+ Surf can be fitted to all surfboards together with a dedicated tail pad that houses the removable power module. The power module can be easily swapped out to other boards or for charging. Charging can be done using the charge dock or the car/boat charger. Additional tail pad antennas can be purchased separately for a slightly higher price compared to a good quality tail pad.

  • With user input provided by surfing legend Tom Carroll and a dedicated tail pad developed in partnership with leading manufacturer Ocean & Earth; Shark Shield and Tiller Design developed a small, lightweight power module integrated into the tail pad. The antenna has been designed into a decal and is only 600 micros thick meaning almost zero drag. FREEDOM+ Surf gives surfers confidence and helps them share the environment with sharks safely.

  • FREEDOM+ Surf delivers between 4-5 hours use on a single charge utilising a rechargeable lithium battery. The power module is easily swapped between boards using the surf fin key. Battery life is designed for over 1000 charge cycles.

  • The FREEDOM+ Surf is a patent pending innovation that will enable all surfboards to be “electrical shark deterrent ready” for the price of standard grip pad with no change to current manufacturing and/or design processes and most importantly, no impact on surf board performance. The interchangeable electrical deterrent module is also sold as an after-market solution for $499.00 excluding the grip pad.