Pepsi Challenge China

  • 2016

  • Communication

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The new Pepsi Challenge illustrations aimed to inspire youth to challenge themselves to do more and follow the “Live for Now” spirit by unleashing the deep wealth of talent among China’s entrepreneurs, designers, athletes, filmmakers, technologists, and musicians, leveraging a boldness that reflects China’s new generation.

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  • The Pepsi Challenge China can dramatized the spirit of the Pepsi challenge campaign in which “Pepsi Ambassadors” issued a series of challenges and rewards in 2015 to encourage the world to dream a little bigger, have more fun and most importantly: to Live for now. Pepsi Challenge aimed to unleash the deep wealth of talent among China's young entrepreneurs, designers, athletes, filmmakers, technologists, and musicians, leveraging a boldness that reflects China's new generation.

  • Pepsi's daring vision of breaking the status quo called for standout concepts. The artistic direction is in line with the Pepsi's vision of “Live for Now,” creating an aspirational brand experience that connects with Chinese youth aimed to fundamentally blend “illustrative art” within the context of packaging design. These handcrafted illustrations aimed to inspire youth to challenge themselves to do more and follow the “Live for Now” spirit. Each can was designed to resonate emotionally as a uniquely styled piece of themed art, creating a collectible series and ultimately a new benchmark in the China market that challenged the category to raise the bar.