
  • 2016

  • Digital
    Apps and Software

Commissioned By:

Yamaha Corporation Japan

Designed In:


The MusicCast app controls any and all MusicCast devices throughout the home.
Manage your sound in any room or link them together, simply and intuitively, all from the palm of your hand.

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  • The real beauty of the MusicCast app lies in its ability to be customised to the user's unique setup. From personalising the oversized room tiles/buttons with the user's own photos or hiding unused audio inputs for ease of navigation, the app makes managing a whole-of-home audio system both intuitive and enjoyable.

  • The MusicCast app streamlines the setup process of the multi-room audio system with simple step-by-step configuration of each MusicCast product. Wi Fi credentials are copied to multiple products with a simple press, with the ability to rename products to reflect the spaces they occupy. For example, users are able to rename 'Sound Bar' to 'Lounge Room'.