Global Water Sustainability

  • 2021

  • Social Impact

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Leo Crasti

Designed In:


The founder of Enviro Australis, a water quality improvement company, has perfected a unique separation process which removes pollutants from stormwater runoff. This is widely accepted in Australia and is being sought globally to eliminate the 8 million tonnes of plastic and toxic materials being discharged into oceans. This water can also be safely harvested and potentially supply 100L/person/day.

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  • Lakes, rivers and oceans are being polluted by the discharge of 8M tonnes of plastic and a greater volume of toxic materials which destroy the biodiversity within those receiving waters. The deployment of nets and trash screens has not reversed this increase. In addition, groundwater systems are being depleted and polluted. Enviro's Founder has developed a unique hydraulic separation process which removes 100% of trash and litter and over 90% of toxic sediments, all in one device with no energy input. Deployed Globally, this would stop degradation of water and make this water available for reuse. Design objective exceeded.

  • The initial 5 year process developed a deep understanding of pollutants transported by stormwater, including field observation and laboratory testing. Particles were analysed including video and 3D imagery confirming that fine materials are transporters of toxic materials and must be removed. Parallel inhouse laboratory testing created a counter-intuitive unique hydraulic process which separates fine materials ahead of large materials whilst also creating a lower quiet zone where materials are stored awaiting safe removal. Oil separation was also added. This solved the problem experienced by filter screens and media which act in an attack mode and are subject to constant clogging.

  • The health of major cities is deteriorating due to water quality degradation. Installation of Enviro Systems based on the hydraulic separation process can restore the aquatic environment to a sustainable level whilst also supplying secondary use water. This objective is achieved with minimal cost and no additional energy input. The environmental benefit is substantial. Pollutant discharge into rivers and oceans would be eliminated whilst water harvesting would reduce the need for new dams and desalination plants. Systems are being installed in Australia and considered in India where a large portion of the population is under threat from depleted available water.

  • The internal process can be applied to passive systems which utilise the energy flow in the water and also translated into active systems which utilise external power for application in process water remediation. Passive systems have been scaled to suit varying catchment types, contaminant loads and flow rates of up to 1,200L/second in a single unit with multiple units used for higher flow rates. System types are available at cost levels commensurate with the catchment and environmental risk, ie. Residential low risk through to Industrial high risk with the addition of bulk oil spill protection. Sustainable materials are used, indefinitely recyclable utilising 'green' concrete with embedded plastics otherwise entering the ocean and landfill, marine grade stainless steel, 100 year service life achieving the lowest carbon footprint possible. The components are modular reducing transport costs, allowing local assembly to be applied. Servicing can be conducted by any Waste Management Contractor from above ground, eliminating confined space access. No consumables reduces service costs. Active systems include continuous extraction of captured materials, dissolved oxygen injection, optional clarification of colloidal suspension, remote monitoring and can be solar powered. Pilot systems are currently under trial for industries such as food processing, textile and paper manufacturing.