  • 2022

  • Architectural
    Installation Design

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FORM is ‘play-inspired’ furniture, designed to create social spaces. Modular & customisable, the range is blurring the lines between art/sculpture & play. Our purpose is to deliver playful user experiences, with attention to aesthetics and innovation, that encourages dwell time in our clients’ assets. FORM provides a dynamic platform for social interactions.

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  • FORM was developed to increase dwell time. Our strategy was to develop a customisable ecosystem of products that when designed holistically, resulted in a higher standard for the user experience. Often, we see traditional seating playing a filler roll in placemaking, the proprietary options designed for other purposes and in rudimentary primary colours as a callout for a play space. We saw an opportunity to bring a more playfully-premium level of aesthetic to the commercial furniture environment. Our purpose is to help our clients increase dwell time in their spaces. FORM by Blanc Space helps you Play, Charge, Relax..

  • FORM's design language is playful, minimal, and complimentary. The vision was for FORM to be modular and configurable, to increase the versatility and unique opportunity to activate engaging spaces. The ability to customise, through material selection and interactivity, enables our client’s to achieve tailored solutions for their needs and budget. The range illustrates empathy towards aesthetics and functionality as it can delineate traditional commercial furniture and play areas from its surrounding environment, or act in a stand alone capacity within any commercial space. It creates an asset for our client to increase dwell time and return visitation.

  • The impact of the FORM range is proven a success, driving more traffic to our client's assets and enhancing the overall user experience for both the consumers and surrounding tenants. We have created a market-leading niche with this range, we are not a traditional furniture company, but we are delivering a considered design-led experiential space. The true impact of FORM can help to deliver some respite, be entertained with our interactive experiences, or help get you off the last bar of battery, untimely helping our clients drive respite and increased spending, return visitation and lift the overall surrounding aesthetic environment.

  • FORM's modular and customisable design allows for flexibility in its configuration as well as material specifications. Our clients can select Upholstery, Timbers, Metals, Stones, Solid Surface, Technology integration, such as light and pre-programed sound and wireless charging. This creates a tailored feeling ownership for our each of our clients as the layout and material choice can be nominated by the designer for the space. Our Growth Tree is a brilliant example as it promotes health and well-being with comfortable seating, soothing pre-programmed meditation sounds, soft ambient illumination and phone charging ports. Our range is also configurable in terms of layout, with close to a 100 alternate configurations to site specific dimensions. These customisable options allow the range to be applied and extended in any location and sectors indoors, outdoors, public spaces, office, healthcare facilities, hotels, shopping malls and airports. Other key feature is the decentralised design allows the product items to be reproduced by selected localised fabricators to the specific project sites, globally. We see this as a key environmental and sustainability win as we can reduce the impact of transportation of our items on the road, train, air and sea.