  • 2021

  • Communication

Designed By:

Commissioned By:


Designed In:

United States of America

We were asked by FaceGym (the premier providers of non-invasive workouts for the face) to design an innovative skincare jar that is extremely environmentally responsible yet with appropriate prestige for the luxury skincare market.

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  • The beauty industry has struggled to find environmentally responsible solutions to packaging given consumers expectations for a prestige look combined with sensitive formulas and a set-in-its-ways supply chain. We wanted to challenge this norm and find a breakout new approach creating a beautiful product that would meet the consumers' expectation of luxury while also being infinitely recyclable.

  • In an entirely new approach, we sought out an innovative Italian metalwork manufacturer outside the normal beauty industry supply chain. The resulting jar competes visually in the luxury market but is made of recycled aluminum, with a refill system of 100% recycled ocean plastic. Each jar is individually numbered to encourage it to keep it as a precious object, rather than being one-time use.

  • 8 Million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans every year. One skincare jar is equivalent to 50 plastic bags. Almost everything in the beauty industry is made of plastic. It is estimated that it will take 500 years for a plastic jar to decompose. Unlike plastic aluminum can be recycled infinitely with zero loss and we expect that our durable and beautiful jar will be kept for many years before ever needing to be replaced.

  • This is to our knowledge the world's first commercially produced skincare jar made of solid aluminum.