Can-Am Ryker

  • 2019

  • Product
    Automotive and Transport

Commissioned By:

BRP Design and Innovation

Designed In:


The Can-Am Ryker is a revolutionary three-wheeled vehicle. Everything about the Can-Am Ryker is new; new feel, new name, new look, new experience. The road-ready look of its minimalist architecture, exposed mechanical elements, and improved power-to-weight ratio, all point to a no-nonsense approach and confident performance.

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  • The challenge was to bring the pleasure of open-road riding to the masses at an affordable price. This meant the BRP design team had to start from scratch and rethink a three-wheeled vehicle's fundamental architecture, ergonomics, and materials. All this while focusing on bringing in a new generation of open-road and adventure enthusiasts.

  • The Can-Am Ryker has been designed from the ground up. The design team had to understand the end user, their gender and usage patterns. The end result is a low, compact vehicle, that looks good but most of all makes any rider look good on it. It features an innovative ergonomic system that allows foot and arm placement to be adjusted in an instant. It offers convenient storage, and mounting points for a plethora of accessories designed for the Ryker. Its side panels simply pop off to allow the end user to personalize his or her vehicle.

  • The Can-Am Ryker is designed to attract non-motorcyclists to enjoy riding. It is designed for men and women and, with its adaptable handle bars and foot pegs, it can adapt to practically all human sizes and shapes. It has been designed to be affordable though not cheap, through the use of innovative materials and processes that respect the environment.

  • The Can-Am Ryker’s technical features are integrated into the overall vehicle design. Elements like the swing arm integration and centre lock wheels are generally found on vehicles that are twice the price. The design and engineering team found innovative ways to bring these key features to life.