  • 2020

  • Communication
    Branding and Identity

Commissioned By:

City of Sydney

Designed In:


The New Year’s Eve celebrations are Sydney’s flagship event. They are attended by over a million people and have a broadcast audience of over two billion worldwide. The event generates around $120 million for the local economy.

Image: Tote bag
Image: Bus Poster
Image: Flags
Image: Brochure covers
Image: Fence scrim
Image: Digital posters
Image: Lanyard, stacked logos and colour palette, busking decal.
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  • After a highly competitive tender process, we were engaged by the City of Sydney to create the New Year’s Eve identity for 2019—2021. The City of Sydney wanted to develop New Year’s Eve into a more formalised brand identity, with consistent naming, logo, visual language and brand guidelines that would endure year to year. - The identity needed to speak to local residents, domestic and international visitors, business as well as government stakeholders. The identity had to reflect Sydney as a welcoming, accessible and cultural global city.

  • Delightfully, the brand name was contained in the word ‘SYDNEY’ —by swapping the positions of the N and E, we were able to reveal the acronym for New Year’s Eve. The logotype is designed to be used in several orientations: horizontal, stacked, and split-up. When split-up, it can be used as a framing device on communications material like posters, printed and digital media.

  • The new Year’s Eve identity tells the story of a city that is inclusive, celebratory, dynamic, and inspiring. It was embraced by the people of Sydney and the resulting fireworks display was one of the best ever. Over a million dollars was raised at the event for the bushfire relief and Red Cross.

  • - Design system is flexible and will evolve over the 3 years of the contract - The visual identity informed the art direction of the fireworks display, music soundtrack, choreography and bridge projections of the night.