Stabicraft Boats


Stabicraft is a world-renown manufacturer of aluminium pontoon boats featuring an airtight chambered hull design. The website has been created to provide customers with an extensive library of information and tools to help with their buying decision. The site features an interactive 3D quoting tool to generate global sales leads.

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  • Stabicraft has an extensive number of boats, each with a complex range of features and options. A consumer can sometimes be bamboozled by the sheer size of the offering and the similarity of the exterior aesthetic of the models. The challenge was to create a website that helped the consumer understand the USPs of the brand, to be able to clearly differentiate between the models and ranges, to create an emotive response around owning a Stabicraft boat, and to capture data through the introduction of an online quoting system.

  • An interactive 3D boat builder called 'Build Your Stabi' was created. This was a complex undertaking; the experience had to appeal to and be usable for a broad demographic. A simple, logical and intuitive interface allows for ease-of-use, allowing potential new owners to ‘walk through’ each Stabicraft model. They can interactively explore details while giving them the ability to add or customise the model of their dream Stabicraft. The design encapsulates existing brand assets and values of reliability and innovation. The experience, like the brand, is robust, simple, and innovative.

  • Since its launch, the website has generated demand and sales that are the strongest in the company's history. In total, 2679 leads have been generated directly from the website and boat builder. Last year over 1100 boats were delivered to new owners, this is another record for the business.

  • Previously Stabicraft would generate traffic and leads to dealers but had no way of tracking this data once it left their channel. With the introduction of the 3D interactive quoting system a customer is able to interact with the factory website directly, having their details captured and the sales process can be tracked from start to finish. This allows Stabicraft to monitor where the leads come from, what success rate a dealership has with leads, and to have ongoing communication with the lead.