St. Jerome’s – The Hotel

  • 2016

  • Service
    Commercial Services

Commissioned By:

Jerome Borazio

Designed In:


St. Jerome’s – The Hotel is Australia’s first luxury camping accommodation, uniquely placed on the rooftop of Melbourne Central, offering guests an unparalleled urban experience. An idea conceived by Jerome Borazio, The Hotel set up camp in May 2015 to offer guests the unique opportunity to sleep out under the stars.

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  • An innovative and unique approach to accommodation that questions and propels the standards of experience, integrating the elemental outdoors into the market of luxury hotels. Being the first of its kind in Australia, set on an unused rooftop in the city centre, St. Jerome's - The Hotel has created a unique, multi-dimensional traveller experience. The consideration behind the concept is to advance the standard of accommodation in an experiential sense; beyond serving as a place to stay, St. Jerome's - The Hotel is an invitation for guests to gain a shifted perspective on their interactions with the city, and their perceived level of comfort in an unfamiliar environment.

  • The hallmark of any city is a constructed world that communities build around themselves. It is a centre for commerce and commercial activity, and by nature of St. Jerome's - The Hotel being within one of Melbourne's most celebrated complexes, Melbourne Central, it strengthens the juxtaposition between the two. Guests travel through the centre to arrive at The Hotel, and it is this crossroad where a complete departure from the city takes place; the guest's own transformative moment. From entering the Atrium of St. Jerome's - The Hotel, guests experience the unexpected shelter of the outdoors, a peaceful and tranquil environment that offers comforts beyond just that of luxury accommodation.

  • The guest experience is a succession of thoughtful and service-driven offerings - all complimentary and built into the guest package. The concept of this all-inclusive stay is more than just providing guests an activity-filled itinerary, but rather is intended to take the guest on a surprising, experiential journey. Guests are greeted by sweets, cocktails and a stocked esky, with dinner from a multitude of restaurants and Gelato Messina dessert delivery to follow. Guests can enjoy free ten-pin bowling at Strike Bowling, or stay in and watch movies loaded on their tablet. In the morning, guests awake to breakfast and coffee delivery, before/after joining an in-tent guided mediation class with other campers.

  • With interstate expansion and growth opportunities for St. Jerome's - The Hotel in clear sight, it is evident the design concept behind the hotel has resonated in different markets, for different audiences. There's a large commercial value to the design of accommodation itself, as it's one that can be easily exported and replicated to fit a variety of different spaces and cater to a variety of business goals. The service level achieved by St. Jerome's - The Hotel staff, as well as the core team behind the project, adds an immeasurable layer of value to national and international expansion plans.

    St. Jerome's - The Hotel is offering Melbourne residents a refreshed perspective of their own city, and has made evident by its guest demographics the existence of a market for local, experiential travel. Having achieved over $5.6 million worth of editorial coverage, this concept has benefitted the City of Melbourne, its residents, surrounding businesses, as well as the tourism industry at large. In making evident that opportunities for localised tourism exist, the hotel can offer other cities and tourism bodies worldwide a higher standard of creative thinking on how to engage with their own residents.