Sakuragi Omakase

  • 2019

  • Architectural
    Interior Design

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Joseph Sy

Designed In:

Hong Kong

As the popular proverb goes, “an inch of time is an inch of gold”, time will always be a prevalent factor in any endeavor. The client has explicitly expressed that he hopes to open as soon as possible in order to continue on with the business operations of the establishment.

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  • With that in mind, adaptation and adoption of the previous interior elements have been greatly considered in coming up with the design solution. The three chandeliers of vertical piping were retained and refitted to compliment the new design theme as well as serving as a feature for the ceiling. The space was fortuitous to have a generally high ceiling hence lighted panels with blue and warm light are installed at the upper portions, adding unto the ambiance of the area.

  • The intent and effort of adapting existing elements, incorporating them into the new motif has soundly satisfied the parameter of minimizing construction time at the same time introducing a new, exciting character to the venue.

  • The guests with visual and flavor enjoyment,the grille is designed in the existing window to a more appropriate ratio. Designed blue and warm Light lighted panels to high ceiling with . The existing windows were fitted with grilles and panels in order to adjust the window height to a more appropriate scale. Vertical grilles, wood panels with vertical fluting and vertical Wood trellis, along with appropriate lighting, are the details added to establish the Japanese character of the interiors.

  • This design is intended to utilize wood panels with vertical fluting and vertical Wood trellis, along with appropriate lighting, are the details added to establish the Japanese character of the interiors.