Redflex Halo Traffic Enforcement Camera

  • 2017

  • Product
    Commercial and Industrial

Commissioned By:

Redflex Traffic Systems

Designed In:


The Redflex Halo Traffic Enforcement Camera system is unique in its use of a single enclosure to mount the three key functional components of radar, flash and camera — all mounted to a single pole. This design provides easy installation and servicing while also reducing the environmental impact of the system.

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  • The Halo design is the first Traffic Enforcement Camera system to house the three key functional components of radar, flash and camera all within the one unit and mounted to a single pole. Previous camera systems required the flash unit and vehicle detection unit to be mounted separately on other poles, whilst the ground-breaking technology within Halo allows for a single integrated unit.

  • An array of fixed-focus, fixed-aperture small format camera sensors allows Halo to provide multi-lane monitoring of the road way in either direction up to 6 lanes without any onsite camera position or lens adjustments. The Stereoscopic technology combined with radar provides an increased and high level of accuracy in monitoring of vehicle speeds and positions by providing automatic secondary cross-checks for all detections.

  • An integral chassis design allows for an ease of install and serviceability. It allows for modular components to be customized to suit specific road monitoring requirements per camera installation. The chassis assembly consisting of radar, flash and cameras can be completely removed from the camera housing to allow for servicing to take place at ground level. This also allows hot-swappable components, configurations and upgrades to take place off-site, thus future proofing the design.

  • Redflex has worked closely with local Victorian manufacturing networks to ensure a high quality of build and finish to the Halo unit. As a benchmark product for both Redflex and the Enforcement Camera industry the Halo unit will be sold at both a National and International level.

    The Halo unit incorporates a unique two door design. By providing access to both the front viewing window surface as well as the rear of the enclosure, the most common maintenance operations can be performed in a minimum amount of time reducing the risk to workers of working by the roadside. Both service access doors can be hot-swapped.

    Double-skinned doors and secure locking systems provide a durable and tamper-proof solution to access within the Halo unit. In case of vandalism both the front and rear service doors can be hot-swapped without the need to remove the Halo unit from its pole mounting.

    The clever mounting system used by the internal chassis assembly allows for a customisable range of viewing angles per installation to suit varying road conditions. Regardless of variations in site geography, mounting pole heights and road lane widths a single adjustment on site can accommodate all installation scenarios.