  • 2016

  • Product
    Hardware and Building

(Previously Awarded as – Passive Fire Systems Floor Waste Fire Collar)

The FyreCollar is an innovative enhancement of fire collar technology, which quickly closes off plastic floor waste pipework during a muti-storey building fire.

A four point jaw mechanism rapidly closes off the pipe without penetrating the softening material, using the softening PVC to help seal the opening.

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  • The initial shut-off jaw mechanism in the FyreCollar is comprised of a pressed metal wing and spring. This system has been designed to quickly close off a PVC pipe softened by heat, blocking flame and heat at the top of the pipe. The jaw mechanism achieves this in under 2.5 minutes (meeting Australian Standard 1530.4- 2005). The form of the wings has been designed to shut off a PVC pipe by not penetrating the pipe but rather gently closing the pipe, keeping the PVC material intact and using its material characteristics to seal the void. The speed and effectiveness of the FyreCollar wing and spring shut off system is what distinguishes it from other fire collars in the marketplace.

  • When concrete is poured over the housing, the form of the housing moulds the concrete into a complex structure. When the housing melts away in the event of a fire, the structure created when the slab was poured provides an air-tight barrier between the concrete and internal shut off system, further limiting the progress of flame and heat.

  • The FyreCollar design uses intumescent material as a secondary shut-off to help close the pipe opening. It expands in contact with fire and excessive heat, filling any void and creating an airtight barrier. Unlike intumescent material used in other fire collars which often deteriorates in a moist environment, the FyreCollar intumescence will not deteriorate, continuing to perform its function even after it has been exposed to moisture from a leaking pipe or high humidity. The FyreCollar intumescence also provides a secondary safety measure, preventing typical temperatures of 1200°C and flame from travelling between floors.

  • Where there is a floor grate (floor wastes and showers) there is no continuation of the pipe work to keep sparks or flame from igniting materials near the opening. The FyreCollar is designed specifically for installation with pipes in floor grated systems because preventing fire from entering the floor above through the floor grate is key to protecting property and saving lives in a multi-storey building fire. As a secondary function, the wings in the FyreCollar are designed to improve the waste pipe installation process by helping to keep the pipe straight whilst the slab is being poured. The product is designed to be robust during construction, but minimises material use to allow for competitive pricing.