Paisley Park Childcare Brookvale

  • 2019

  • Architectural
    Architectual Design

Designed In:


A project that redefines commercial childcare, creating an oasis in an urbanised environment. It raises the children above ground level with the roof of one level becoming the outdoor space of the next. This highly efficient layout maximises the use of space to enable investment in high quality finishes and landscaping.

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  • The challenge was to provide a quality and viable childcare centre in a light industrialised area. This required separation from the surrounding context and provision of high quality spaces, finishes and landscaping. This was a considerable cost which required an increase in yield to support. Other important requirements were providing good access to natural light , ventilation and direct access to outdoor space from every room.

  • By raising the children one floor they are separated from the context. The stacking of indoor areas enables the roof of one level to become the outdoor space of the next. This creates a highly efficient layout which maximises children whilst enabling playrooms to have direct access to external spaces and maximises natural light and ventilation. A total of 25m2 of circulation space highlights the efficiency. These forms create an under-croft providing sheltered outdoor space whilst being integrated with the architecture. The transparency within the building which maximises visibility a key to operating a large centre of 120 children.

  • The project redefines the potential yield in urban environments by creating a highly efficient multi storey layout that supports high quality finishes and landscaping. It achieves this whilst maximising natural light / ventilation and connection to outdoor space and the environment. This provides a unique and safe learning environment where the children have a high level of freedom to explore and play. In doing so it shows how society can support families in increasingly urbanised environments.

  • See category criteria.