OzHarvest Annual Report on a Van


Your common, garden-variety annual report is mainly a breakdown for the shareholders, documenting an organisation’s activities and finances of the previous financial year. Essentially, it’s a tool for measuring success.

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  • MORE
  • OzHarvest is a non-profit organisation that measures success differently; not by dollars and cents, but by kilos of food rescued, number of meals served to those in need, and new technologies created to combat food waste. OzHarvest is a brand that measures success on its IMPACT.

  • To best communicate its success, we rethought the format and purpose of the OzHarvest 2017/2018 Annual Report. We proposed a literal vehicle for change – an Annual Report van, featuring key quantative and qualitative figures on the areas of impact that matter most to the brand. The van celebrates the journey of the organisation and its impact by taking the story to the streets. Featuring facts such as: Over 21 Million meals served per year and the OzHarvest Food Truck serving over 4,000 zero-waste meals, the signature yellow and black van captures attention getting the message and achievements across throughout Australia.

  • Decked out in the signature commanding yellow and black, the van is designed to spread the word on food waste. The annual report displayed on the van caught the attention of many individuals then it would have if it was printed and led people to a rich, in depth story online.

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