One Central Park
Place Design
Designed By:
- ASPECT|OCULUS (Landscape architects for the design, development and documentation of The Green Facade and courtyards)
- Patrick Blanc (Botanist and designer of The Green Wall component) / Junglefy (Installation of the Vertical Gardens)
- Ateliers Jean Nouvel (Principal Architects for the building) / PTW Architects (Architects for the building)
- JAAA +Turf Design Studio (Landscape architects for the site master plan)
- Watpac Construction (Builders)
One Central Park is a new landmark mixed use project which forms a significant architectural gateway to downtown Sydney. This high profile project on the former Carlton United Brewery site is the first stage of the Central Park development. The site comprises two residential towers and a lower retail podium addressing the site’s Broadway frontage with a built form that is veiled by a combination of vertical gardens, designed by Patrick Blanc, as well as green facades, developed and designed by ASPECT|OCULUS. This award-winning project has the largest green facade in Australia and with considerable microclimatic challenges, the planting thrives due to the rigorous design, technical development, and testing.