
  • 2023

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    Education Services

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The unique MyMachine methodology:
1. Children in primary class invent their “Dream Machine”. Anything goes, as long as they really want it.
2. University students help design the Idea into a Concept.
3. Technical/vocational secondary students build a Working Prototype.

This happens with many schools at the same time, worldwide.

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Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
Image: MyMachine Global Foundation
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  • Humanity faces exigent challenges. More than ever before, we need new ideas, concepts, and answers. And these come from people who are confident to use their imagination, think outside of silos, and be inspired by the possibility of improving our society. The challenge is that many people infected by our outdated education system have been educated out of the ability to be creative and problem-solving. They don’t believe their ideas matter and can make a difference. They don’t know how to bring their ideas to life. Yet, no matter where life takes them, creative confidence is the start of everything.

  • MyMachine is a unique methodology in three steps (1 school-year): 1. Children in Primary invent their “Dream Machine”. Anything goes, as long as they really want it. 2. University Students translate the Idea into a Concept. 3. Technical/Vocational Secondary students, build a Working Prototype. Children invent fabulous Dream Machines like the Rotating-Bunk-Bed (The-Never-Have-To-Discuss-Anymore-Who-Gets-To-Sleep-On-Top-Machine), Do-My-Homework-Machine, Jump-To-The-Moon-Machine, Robot-Emocion (a-conversation-starter-for-children-to-talk-about-their-emotions). Students learn that one can bring any idea to life by collaborating, respecting each other’s talents, and being persistent/resilient. No matter where life takes them, it all starts with having the creative confidence that your ideas matter and can make a difference!

  • MyMachine impacts students, educators, the education system, companies, and society. MyMachine stands out in delivering an in-depth experience. It is not a quick assignment but a long journey from ideation to prototyping, which goes deep. Up till now, we have created over 1,3 million student-hours of impact. We grow our impact by franchising our model. We are a network of independent, locally governed partner organisations and a global organisation that works to accelerate the network’s progress. There are now 13 Chapters on three continents: MyMachine Flanders-(Belgium), Wallonia-(Belgium), Croatia, Kenya, Kosovo, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, and USA.

  • Key unique design features of MyMachine: 1. We unite students from all education levels (primary, secondary, higher) to collaborate as peers. 2. MyMachine is Open-Ended. We do not impose a theme. Otherwise, it would again be we, the adults, saying to them, the children, what we think is essential, instead of listening to them. We listen to what matters to them. 3. MyMachine is Not a Competition. Yes, we must prepare students for wins and losses and develop essential skills like focus, resilience and perseverance. But it’s wrong to say that these skills can only be developed through a competitive approach. MyMachine shows children and students to create in their own way, to focus on their unique brand of magic. 4. We take their ideas seriously. We invite them to dream big. 5. Learning to Embrace Complexity. Arriving at simple, intuitive design solutions starts from accepting and looking closely at complexity. This key ingredient to successfully participating in today’s complex society is at the core of MyMachine. These young talents endure a long process from ideation to a working prototype, learning that it doesn’t come easy, but only through trial and error, perseverance, and a cross-discipline approach.