
  • 2021

  • Product
    Medical and Scientific

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The Australian desiged MamaCool pad provides a safe, effective and convenient method of delivering cooling therapy to women experiencing perineal trauma post vaginal childbirth.

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Image: Chau Covassin
Image: Chau Covassin
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  • Throughout her 25 years as a midwife, Natalie was frustrated by the lack of a dignified, fit for purpose product for delivering relieving cold therapy to new mums in her care. Many make-shift solutions existed such as crushed ice in a bag and frozen Icey poles but these were messy, unhygienic, time consuming to prepare and not comfortable for the woman to use.

  • MamaCool™ has been ergonomically designed to provide a hygienic and comfortable pain management solution that supports mothers in their post-partem recovery. The MamaCool™ pad enables clinicians to easily follow established cooling therapy protocols so that women's recovery experiences can be improved. The internal cooling medium is a simple medical grade saline solution and therefore completely safe and environmentally friendly. MamaCool™ makes cooling therapy, easy for midwives to deliver and comfortable and dignified for women to receive.

  • Perineal pain is common during the birth of a baby. 90% of women who give birth vaginally will experience some sort of trauma in the form of a tear, graze or episiotomy. Perineal pain and trauma can significantly impact a woman's health and wellbeing and can interfere with her ability to care for her new baby. Depending on the level of trauma suffered, a woman's vagina and perineum can take up to 6 weeks to completely heal. The MamaCool™ pad provides safe and effective pain relief for mothers. It is easy to use, inexpensive, and doesn't interfere with breastfeeding.

  • Created with women's comfort in mind, MamaCool™ was designed with unique central holes to allow post-birth blood to flow through to the maternity pad underneath to keep the vagina and perineum dry and decrease risks of infection. This addresses the shortcomings of current make-shift solutions which are wet and messy due to the inability for fluids (both melting ice and blood) to be properly absorbed. A soft and smooth semi-absorbent outer layer is gentle on stitches while the contoured shape ensures that it is comfortable to wear. The position and orientation of MamaCool™ can be changed to line up with the area of the vagina/perineum where cooling relief is needed most. MamaCool™ pads are supplied individually wrapped to maintain hygiene and have instructions for use printed on each unit. MamaCool™ pads are stored in the freezer and when required, a pad is removed and defrosted for 5-10 minutes until it softens and then applied on top of a maternity pad and worn together for 10-20 minutes (or longer if desired). MamaCool™ is then disposed of. It is recommended to use a MamaCool™ pad every 2 - 4 hours for the first 72 hours after birth and as often as desired thereafter