Lyf Support

  • 2022

  • Social Impact

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Eddie Wittenberg

Designed In:


Lyf Support is an instant text based chat service with mental health experts. We provide guidance and comfort without any obstacles or questionnaires in the way. It is designed for people who need someone to talk to immediately, at a low cost, anytime from anywhere.

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  • Currently in Australia, there are no direct services for people suffering from a mental ailment. If some wants to see a psychologist they must first see a GP for a referral then wait at least 4 months to see someone that may not be the right fit. If someone is in a crisis, they are rushed to the Emergency Department but need to wait hours to see a doctor. There is no immediate support from the date of the crisis to the date of admittance / date of discharge to the date of follow up psychologist appointments.

  • Lyf Support is a digital guidance app designed to give immediate & affordable Mental health help for all. Our solution was to create something affordable and accessible for everyone. From just $10 per 30 minute session, users are able to access the help of a certified psychologist through text-based chat therapy 24/7. From anywhere at anytime a professional is ready and waiting. Lyf Support offers immediate help, there are no drawn out questionnaires, no bouncing around doctors offices, no matchmaking, no waiting on hold; at the touch of a button, Lyf Support is there.

  • Digital mental health interventions may help to alleviate the gaps and pitfalls in our current system and help bridge the gap from the rising demand for mental health care. The widespread access to the internet and smartphone presents the ideal landscape for improving mental health care through digital solutions. With the rise of people seeking out mental health help & the lack of resources available & long lead times, Lyf Support is needed now more than ever. Lyf Support is a digital guidance app designed to give immediate & affordable Mental health help for all.

  • Eradicating barriers, especially for generations who have become accustomed to a majority of their interactions being via text or online and for people who can't afford the traditional therapy. Lyf Support lets you communicate at your own pace, in your own time for a fraction of the "traditional therapy" price. Our Psychologists make notes at the end of each individuals session and also have access to every single chat. Before they sign in they overlook the cases from when they have signed off and review each patient's previous contact/ case notes. They are up to date with your history so no question is asked twice. The benefit of this system means you have a team of psychologists looking out for you and finding ways together to give you better help. "Matching" is a thing of the past.