
  • 2021

  • Social Impact

Kiwrious (Curious) allows students to experience the fun, creative and social nature of science first-hand. A set of low cost plug and play sensors make invisible natural phenomena visible, encouraging children to let their innate curiosity run wild and free.

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  • Science is a creative, tentative human endeavour. Many students disengage with science because it is presented in the classroom as a body of knowledge which is unchanging, absolute and with little real connection to everyday life. Our challenge was to design a learning experience that will keep Kiwri Kids Kiwrious (Curious)

  • Kiwrious sensors can be connected to a smart device that runs Chrome browser via USB port, creating a plug-and-play experiment device. The Kiwrious web platform provides guidance and a base structure for conducting scientific inquiries. Through the platform, students can share experiment designs, data, and findings with their peers across New Zealand. This process of sharing allows others to replicate their experiments and also provides opportunities to discuss their hypotheses and conclusions. The Kiwrious Lesson Plans are fully aligned with the New Zealand curriculum, enabling teachers to conduct fun and engaging science lessons while maintaining curriculum expectations.

  • Supported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), we are deploying 12,000 Kiwrious sensors to schools across a range of deciles in New Zealand. There are approximately 260,000 children in years 7-10 (aged 11-14yrs). Every year a further 66,000 children enter year 7. Our goal is that every child will have access to the Kiwrious science experience.

  • Direct connection to the device eliminates the need for the sensor units to have a standalone battery, processor, display or wireless communication modules (Sensor hardware is simple and low cost.) Sensors are plug- and- play and do not require any pairing Powerful analytics can be obtained by fusing the sensing values from these external sensors (e.g. air quality) and in- built sensors of the (time/GPS) Doesn't require users to download/install any additional software as everything runs on web browser