High Performance Dishwasher that Saves 50% in Power

  • 2019

  • Product
    Commercial and Industrial

Commissioned By:

Norris Industries

Designed In:


A commercial dishwasher that only uses 15amps in power and has the highest continuous wash performance of any 15amp dishwasher on the market. At the same time saves 50 per cent in electricity. (Newcastle University Study)

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  • A commercial dishwasher has a 1-minute wash cycle and a 16 second rinse cycle. The rinse water has to be 82 degC to sanitise. Most machines are connected to a hot water to ensure it can keep up and under heavy use situations water can run out. The machine then heats its own water from cold to 82degC causing delays of up to 5 minutes. This impacts the operation of the kitchen and can add significant cost in power. Design brief on the machine: 1. Connected to cold water 2. Provide ongoing 1 min wash cycles 3. Reduce power consumption

  • The final machine design with an installed base of over 40 units performs 1 minute wash cycles continuously without having to wait to reach sanitising temperature, is connected to cold water and saves over 50% in power costs 1. This is achieved by using wasted energy to preheat the incoming water to a higher temperature than is provided normally by a hot water service. 2. The use of state-of-the-art electronics that allow more efficient use of only 15amps The Newcastle University tested the power consumption of this machine to our previous model and it uses 58% less power.

  • The design is a world first achieving high performance and energy saving by using wasted energy and state of the art electronics. The 15amp format provides a 1 minute wash cycle without waiting to hit sanitising temperature and is cold water connected. Other brand machines achieve this performance by having a dedicated hotwater system and/or 3phase power. For a user it brings peace of mind that they never have to wait for the machine to work, bringing less stress to an already stressful commercial kitchen environment and uses 50% less energy than our previous model (2k to 10k saving PA)

  • As there is nothing like this in the world, Norris have already commenced discussions with overseas manufacturers that they may use our control system. We have also put this technology into hospital sanitising machines for a well known brand in the segment (Malmet). The development of the initial control system opens up a new possibility to put this design into larger machines and theoretically save 2/3rds of the power it would normally use. This would be a significant power reduction by using wasted energy. Future development takes this control system outside of the dishwasher and allows us to control a total kitchen to provide:  Predictive control to lower power consumption of idle appliances that are left on  Ability to provide preventative maintenance  Peak demand control to lower energy costs and smoothing out consumption. This controller provides Norris more potential than just a dishwasher. It can control a commercial kitchen to reduce power. If our system can control a commercial kitchen to reduce energy consumption, it can be adapted to control a factory and maybe an industrial area or a suburb. Managing power usage into the future is one of the biggest trends in Australia.