Filo Messenger Bag

  • 2016

  • Product
    Sport and Lifestyle

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Filo Design

Designed In:


Energy conservation is an important objective which our human race are keep trying to solve right now. In many country, bicycle become more and more popular. But in many country the road light system is not very well and cause many accident happened on bicycle rider.

We want to provide a bag which using other lighting such as vehicle or road light during riding, to save more Energy, thus the rider don’t need to set a light on the bicycle.

We design this messenger bag to give riders more safety when they are riding.

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  • By using large reflective fabric for warning and water repellent treatment, inside have large interior space, diversity back method can also be cross back and dorsal back to reduce weight. Both sides of the bag had zipper,when pull off the zipper it can be increased bag space. When rider riding through on the busy street at night. Bag will reflect light emitted from the outside into a conspicuous white, to make their own safety big improvement. We design this messenger bag to give riders more safety when they are riding.