ecmodular Wilderness Collection featuring ecycle

  • 2015

  • Product
    Hardware and Building

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The ecmodular Wilderness Collection includes 7 ranges of carpet tiles with a total of 72 colours that feature the ecycle system. This system is built on 4 simple fundamental design pillars which are, designing carpets for durability,selecting world-leading recycled materials such as plastic bottles and fishing nets, designing for end-life recyclability and providing systems infrastructure for end-life recycling.

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  • The ecmodular Wilderness carpet tile collection has set a new global benchmark for carpet tiles. The carpet tiles are 100% recycled materials and 100% recyclable.

  • The ecmodular Wilderness Collection featuring the ecycle system uses a yarn fibre called Econyl, a sophisticated solution-dyed nylon made from reclaimed fishing nets and industrial waste. The cushion backing called ecomfort is made from recycled PET bottles diverted from landfill. Extending product life is a key strategy in reducing greenhouse emissions, reducing waste and reducing cost of ownership. Sometimes natural is not always best. Man-made materials have allowed to design carpets that look and feel great but have longer life through resistance to wear compared to natural fibres.

  • The extensive colour and pattern cross section across the collection is designed by leading global designers with leadership from Milan to Melbourne. With a nature design outlook the range offers a solid Palette for the base and from ground up it goes Tree, Bark, Branch, Stick, Stem and Leaf.

  • ecomfort is well known now and has become so, for superior dimensional stability, high underfoot comfort, exceptional durability under castor chairs with 15 years warranty, superior insulation properties and acoustically superior.