
  • 2022

  • Product
    Consumer Electronics

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Earshots Limited

Designed In:

New Zealand

Earshots are revolutionary wireless earphones designed for riders & runners. Featuring our patented Magnetic Earlock™, the design securely and comfortably locks the earphone to the user’s ear so it doesn’t move, distract or fall out under fast and varied conditions.

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  • When founder James Bell-Booth was training for the T42– a 42 kilometer endurance race through the Tongariro National Park in New Zealand, he was disappointed to find that no earphone would simply stay in his ears and not move during his intense training sessions. Frustrated, James set out to find a solution. The challenge was to take a fresh look at ear anatomy, and create a new design to securely attach an earphone to a user’s ear that is moving in fast and varied conditions. This also required significant ergonomic consideration to ensure the design worked, no matter the ear.

  • The design solution is Earshots patented Magnetic Earlock™. The locking system uses two magnetic elements. One is positioned inside the concha bowl– the earbud magnet. The second element sits on the other side behind the ear– the ear hook magnet. The two magnetic elements pull together through the ear, creating a locking effect. To support varied earshapes, the earbud can pivot within a 45 degree angle, while the magnet stays in the same place. This enabled a range of fit options to ensure a design that works no matter the ear.

  • Today’s market is crowded with products that claim to deliver ‘secure-fit’ solutions, most of which fail to deliver. We regularly receive customer feedback describing how satisfied they are to finally find earphones that stay on and work. Earshots bold mission is to be the sports earphone of choice for anyone who doesn’t want to be distracted by their audio experience. Commercially, the earphones & headphones market size exceeded USD$85bn in 2021 and anticipated to only grow. With such a unique design now patented in the US & China, this Kiwi innovation truly has a chance to succeed in the global market.

  • Earshots have a number of key features to enhance users experience. One of the most important considerations made during the design process was safety and comfort while riding or running. Our purpose designed non-occluding earbud, features an ambient noise balancing design, for safety but also comfort. This design doesn’t pressurize or plug your ears, balancing the surrounds while focusing on the sound and ensuring important audio cues can be still heard. Sometimes the call of the wild gets an interruption you can’t avoid. Earshots built-in microphone features cVc, clear voice capture– suppressing your surrounds and transmitting crystal clear voice. Earshots features an all-day battery– a single charge provides 10 hours of run or ride time in dual mode. Earshots features a solo mode, so users can keep one ear to the ground and another on the sound. Great for when running or riding with friends, solo mode extends the battery life from 10 to 15 hours from a single charge. To charge, the Earshots include a self-charging case with even more power. The 1500mAh charging case gives you 150 hours of run / ride time before you need to call it quits – that’s 30 marathons.