
  • 2023

  • Product
    Automotive and Transport

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Bucklemeup is a Bluetooth enabled, passenger seatbelt, safety system for vehicles. Each seat is fitted with a wireless seatbelt sensor, when a seatbelt is unlatched or forgotten, a notification is displayed on a dash mounted console or mobile application to alert the driver and ensure passenger safety is maintained.

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  • Many highly regulated industries, such as the mining sector, require their vehicles and any vehicle entering their sites to have seat belts fitted with a monitoring system, to ensure seatbelt use compliance. Due to changes in regulations, vehicles without a seatbelt monitoring system are no longer be permitted on site. The challenge was to develop a robust and reliable, seatbelt monitoring system that can be easily retrofitted to existing vehicles with up to sixty-five seats, without the need for significant vehicle modifications or new seat belts and wiring.

  • The Bucklemeup wireless seat belt monitor can be easily fitted to most passenger vehicles, allowing older vehicles to become compliant with industry regulations in a matter of minutes. Many hours of testing and engineering was required to perfect the unique sensor design to ensure reliable operation, with minimal battery consumption. The sensors continuously monitor and communicate the status of each passenger seat back to the driver in real-time via a dash mounted console. When a passenger has not latched their seatbelt, the driver receives visual and auditory alerts via the dashboard console and can remind the passenger to buckle up.

  • Bucklemeup was first conceived by a group of firemen who had witnessed firsthand the tragedy of people being killed or injured during vehicle accidents due to unbuckled seatbelts. Bucklemeup is on a mission to bring seat belt safety to all vehicles, no matter the vehicle age. Bucklemeup is a worldwide patented, wireless seatbelt monitoring system that can be retrofitted to almost any vehicle. The updated Bucklemeup sensor design provides an opportunity to further increase their market share by making their existing safety system suitable for use in larger passenger vehicles and buses, specifically in schools and the mining sector.

  • •Patented monitoring and alert system •The Bucklemeup wireless seatbelt sensors can easily to be retrofitted to almost any seatbelt in less than one minute •Suitable for pairing and unpairing on an industrial scale, up to sixty-five seatbelt sensors •The sensors are battery powered, with a lifespan of two or more years •Robust and tamperproof design, suitable for the usage environment, resistant to high-temperatures and vibration •A Bluetooth Signal Repeater is used to amplify the communications systems and allows the monitoring of up to sixty-five seatbelt sensors •A software application running on a dash mounted console can be set-up to suit any bus configuration and seating plan •A visual representation of the bus seating arrangement and status of each passenger and seatbelt is displayed to the driver in real-time •Audible and visual alerts notify the driver in the event that a seatbelt is unlatched or forgotten via a dash mounted console •The system eliminates the need for the driver to periodically turn around and check for seatbelt compliance, and allows the driver to focus on the road ahead, knowing their passengers are safe