Behind the Door

  • 2022

  • Architectural
    Interior Design

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Yang Zi Ying

Designed In:


This is a 40 square meters residence. The tri-color revolving peg-gate is the major focus in this case. Doors that originally served as the partitioning medium between spaces are now converted into the uninterrupted continuum between spaces and are mutually associated with and related to each other.

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  • The interior housing structure in Taiwan, by tradition, includes crossbeams or vast columns, of which crossbeams constrict the space visually and columns cut the complete space into pieces, so neither are helpful for layout planning, particularly in a small home. Furthermore, one can barely relax in such a tiny home and we have outlined two specific solutions to tackle the issues in this case: A lightweight crossbeam and an open layout to offer wide and light visual sensations in the interior space.

  • Regarding solution one, a.k.a. the planning from the entrance hall to the living room, the slanted ceiling that combines the recessed lamp and indirect lighting has managed to provide a lightweight for the crossbeam to avoid the narrow and oppressing visual feelings it brings while a novel lighting layout replaces the unpleasant crossbeam. As for solution two, a.k.a. the layout planning, interior design aimed to tackle these issues that surfaced from a dim and closed home and we adopted sliding doors, revolving doors, and revolving windows, which invites the sun inside with natural lighting provided in the residence.

  • The original space has only a single daylighting, insufficient ventilation and darker. Knock off the partial walls to allow light and ventilation to enter the space. Not only does it open up the field of vision, but also achieves energy saving and carbon reduction. It was eventually finalized with a flexible design plan with revolving glass windows and sliding doors to keep the house bright and airy.

  • 1. The children playroom was planned with a revolving door as implemented with peg-board with full color-matching flexibility. Use the revolving door and the sliding door as the space allocation. When the sliding door is closed, it is a larger independent space. When the revolving door is closed, there is an extra small room. 2. Considering that the home-owner loves reading, a separate study room was needed for daily reading. Also, a "blue-sky and white-cloud" double-sliding door was added beside the sitting and dining room since it was limited by space and to prevent oil from spilling. 3. In pursuit of the visible transition between the indoor and outdoor zones, the tiled floor that performs as the hidden but obvious partition is adopted at the outdoor zone to contrast the cozy hardwood flooring at the indoor zone.