Arthurs Seat Amenities Block

  • 2019

  • Architectural
    Architectual Design

Designed By:

Commissioned By:

Parks Victoria

Designed In:


A collaborative partnership formed between Parks Victoria, Foursight Architects, Intrax Engineers and Changing Places. Arthurs Seat Eagle and Parks Victoria partnered to provide an upgrade of the outdated site facilities to improve inclusiveness and accessibility to all users.

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  • The facility is a tourist venue, close to the refurbished Arthur's Seat Gondola. The design catered for cultural differences and able-bodied users but also has improved accessibility to include users of all abilities. The client requested the inclusive aspects and the environmentally sensitive design principles, considering resource use, embodied energy, life cycle costs, durability, longevity, salvageability and compliment the natural settings. The challenge was to achieve architectural design while not detracting from the dramatic surrounding landscape. Public toilet facilities generate a utilitarian architectural response as function is favoured over form. Parks Victoria requested that form and function be prioritised equally

  • All seven of the universal design principles were incorporated to provide for the toileting needs of a range of visitors including those with disabilities, mobility limitations, young children, elderly and visitors from culturally diverse backgrounds. The design improved accessibility and inclusiveness The challenges were met with the inclusion of rainwater harvesting, solar energy and sewerage treatment facilities onsite. This inclusive facility allows for squat pans, standard and ambulant WC's, separate accessible toilet, shower, adjustable height table, hoist and room to facilitate a carer with ease of access being pivotal to the design. The buildings orientation maximised natural light and ventilation.

  • The design catered for the environmental needs by: - rainwater harvesting onsite for re-use, - energy efficient water pump - solar energy use A solar array servicing the electrical requirements of the toilet block and surrounding carpark lights using Energy efficient lights. - sewerage treatment facilities. - Marine plywood was selected for its natural durability, low emission properties with shadow line joints to further articulate the natural look. - 50% reclaimed hardwood (40% of other recycled materials) product known as permatimber for its sustainable, low maintenance, eco-friendly, natural timber look for both screening and wall cladding.

  • The culmination of the partnership between Foursight Architects and the Changing Places organisation has resulted in a highly usable and accessible precinct. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, there are around 200,000 Australians with a disability who require assistance to use the toilet. The flow of traffic using the site has meant that a highly functional and very adaptable design and fit out was required. There have been a range of fixtures and fittings included in the building at differing heights allowing comfortable use by people of all ages and sizes to compliment the accessible design and nature of the building. Other features include: - rainwater harvesting onsite - energy efficient water pump, - sewerage treatment facilities - solar array servicing the electrical requirements of the toilet block and surrounding carpark lights. - Marine plywood was selected for its natural durability, low emission properties with shadow line joints to further articulate the natural look. - Permatimber which consists of 50% reclaimed hardwood (40% of other recycled materials) was selected for its sustainable, low maintenance, eco-friendly, natural timber look for both screening and wall cladding. - use of natural light and ventilation.