Alquimétricos LAB


Alquimétricos was founded in 2015 as an open-source initiative to bring STEAM educational resources to low-income communities, especially in Latin America. Over the years, the project has gained scale, prizes, and followers, becoming an international community of educators, designers, makers, communicators, and visual artists.

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  • Covid-19 pandemic social distancing and lockout changed dramatically the conditions and means available to go on with education. Low-income communities took the worst part as most time did not have access to basic connectivity. Our proposal brings alternatives to go on with STEAM content learning while playing at home.

  • Alquimétricos LAB brings open and collaborative access to STEAM educational resources to children, families and teachers, helping to fill the gaps between hands-on tech+science activities on isolation and social distancing context. Besides, in a post-pandemic scenário, it serves as collective tool to support teachers/parents on hibrid, remote and/or presencial mode teaching, due to its always-growing crowd-sourcing philosophy. Appart from that, Alquimétricos LAB proposes a DIY/hands-on/open aproach to help low-resource communities' students to access educational building blocks system that'd be frequently impossible for them to buy

  • Since its beginings, the Alquimétricos' community has trained over 1100 teachers in 50 cities from 10 countries, and above 12.000 children've been part of our educational and/or recreational workshops, interventions and exhibits. Alquimétricos LAB was pre-launched on September 2021 and is officially public since march 2022. We've closed deals with Education Secretary/Minestery in Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro to train a batch of teachers in both cities/countries and to install the Alquimétricos' system in their communities. In 2022 we expect to train more than 300 trained teachers and indirectly reach at least 10,000 children from Brazil and Argentina

  • Open-souce platform, based upon open tools and platform, Crowdsourceable content, freemium business model to help the project sustainable, Inspired by parametric, modular, scalable design concepts. Focused on hands-on handcraft procedures as a pathway to addopt digital fabrication techniques where and where available. Aligned with the UNESCO Open Educational Resources recommendation, as well as the United Nations SDG #4 (Education).