202020 Vision

  • 2015

  • Social Impact

Designed In:


The 202020 Vision is a cross sector, multi-stakeholder initiative designed to build the support, collaboration, inspiration, tools and framework needed to make Australian urban areas 20% greener by 2020.

The vision is to increase the health and wellbeing, productivity, clean air, community connection, biophilia and local commerce of our cities. The initiative also aims to help cool our cities and manage our precious water resources better. The key audience for the vision is primarily business and government who have been targeted through a variety of commercial, environmental and wellbeing messages. People are invited to join the movement by adding a green space project to the map and joining the network.

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  • Our extensive outreach program to industry and government was supported by an explainer video, website, and introductory brochure that presented the vision. The website, brochure and video were designed to get people inspired and informed about the issue of green space, as well as give them the opportunity to showcase their own green space projects, join the network or lend their support and expertise. This resulted in attracting 26 advocates and creating a network of 4 property developers, 7 universities, 26 community organisations and 28 councils & govt depts including the United Nations. These industry leaders are now our spokespeople.

  • Our website and outreach program also facilitated the ability for people to showcase and list green space projects from all over Australia. Every green space project added to the website was also plotted on a map and the total area of the project was added to our green space counter. To date we've created a database of over 150 green space projects nationwide and a total of 8739332 square metres of green space has been added to the map.

  • Shared measurement is key to successful collaboration. i-Tree Canopy measures percentages of the tree canopy to other ground cover in a user-defined area. It was developed by the USDA Forest Service and is now customised for Australia. We tested it by working with the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University Technology, Sydney to measure and benchmark 139 of Australia's urban and peri-urban local government areas, where 68% of Australians live. The result was a report named “Where are all the trees?” - an analysis of tree canopy cover in urban Australia. This gave the vision a credible baseline to work from.

  • A PR and advertising campaign was developed to launch the vision and get people onboard. Media partnerships with the AFR and the Australian have delivered 13 full pages on the importance of green space. As of January 2015 there have been 509 media clippings and total circulation of 24,007,274.

    A major component of the program has been the facilitation of knowledge sharing and solutions creation through the Growing The Seeds Tour. The tour covered 5 Australian cities, had over 500 hand chosen green space experts attend from over 200 organisations as well as 25% of all LGAs in Australia. This is now helping us shape major solution pathways that can be scaled an replicated across the country by all of our partners.