Anne-Maree Sargeant

Authentic Design Alliance
With over 30 years of experience in the design industry, Anne-Maree (AMS) is a passionate advocate, curator, journalist, speaker, and creative problem solver.
Fusing her background in law and design as the Director of the Authentic Design Alliance® (ADA), a for-purpose industry association, the ADA leads the fight against furniture design theft in Australia. It promotes the value of investing in original and sustainable products.
The ADA works alongside government agencies to advocate for improved intellectual property protection. A national program educates consumers, industry, and the government about the negative cultural, economic, and environmental impact of copying product designs and the fast furniture industry.
AMS has held contributing editor roles with many publications, including Monocle, Surface USA, and Surface Asia, and has been Belle magazine’s editor-at-large.
As host of the soon-to-launch DESIGN-MADE podcast, they explore why objects have been designed and how they are made.