Misha Kaur

Policy Reform, Senior Executive, Strategy & Government Governance, Co-creator of Systems-Led Design, Speaker

Working globally to modernise public sector and government practices and policy approaches.

As Assistant Commissioner in the Australian Government, I leveraged systems-thinking, design, innovation and behavioural economics, I pioneer opportunities to help government develop tailored strategies to understand and respond to complex challenges, reimagine problems, design outstanding solutions and make contemporary how we operate to achieve enduring benefits for the community

ACT Government Lead Executive Consultant – designing and developing performance and reporting frameworks, governance and operating models, workforce and organisational capability and stakeholder engagement processes for systems change

Director and A/gAssistant Secretary – organisational capability, design and behavioural insights for policy and strategy, business improvement, strategy, innovation and organisational performance.

– Secured funding and Built new capability in the Department in bringing together design thinking for strategy and policy, effective change, project management (AGILE) and organisational capability. Hosted the 2017 international design conference.

– collaborative design with over 400 employees: organisational capability vision and roadmap to shift government performance

– 13 years experience, with executive roles (with EL2 and A/g Assistant Secretary in the Australian commonwealth government)

– 3 years in the Department of Education – including planning and implementation of large scale government programs including in education policy, stakeholder engagement and design and delivery of pilot programmes for students.

– extensive leadership roles, including management of budgets, strategy and performance, government relations, capability building and managing teams across jurisdictions.

– coordination of conferences in Singapore, and extensive understanding in international contexts, including supporting the American Creativity Association conference.

– program monitoring and evaluation, including principles-led and developmental evaluation for systems change

– Ministerial liaison officer